BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:3.0 FN:Devon Tretiak N:Tretiak;Devon;;; item1.EMAIL; item1.X-ABLabel: item2.TEL:780-832-4596 item2.X-ABLabel: item3.ADR:;;7306 89 St;Grande Prairie;AB;T8X 0E4;CA;7306 89 St\nGrande Prai rie\, AB T8X 0E4\nCA item3.X-ABLabel: item4.ORG:Abrionix item4.X-ABLabel: item5.TITLE:President item5.X-ABLabel: NOTE:Our mission is to provide advanced\, technology-driven solutions that empower small businesses to thrive in an increasingly digital world. Throu gh our expertise in safety\, technology\, transportation\, and business\, we are dedicated to enhancing your growth. CATEGORIES:myContacts END:VCARD